Jack Baty

Director of Unspecified Services

Lightroom it is, I guess

I canceled my Capture One subscription this morning, before they charged me $180 for another year.

I hadn’t planned to do this. The plan was to cancel my Lightroom subscription ($10/month) and run with C1 for the year. Capture One has more to offer, and I like the files I get from it better than from Lightroom. So what happened?

When canceling the Lightroom subscription, I was informed that there would be an early-termination fee of $49. I’d forgotten that the $10/month subscription was subsidized by agreeing to pay for a year. They just charge me monthly. That was disappointing.

So, canceling Adobe and renewing Capture One was going to cost me $229 today. That bugged me, so I reviewed my decision to go with C1. If I’m honest, my photo processing needs are modest. I like the option for doing all sorts of fancy things, but mostly it’s a little contrast, white balance, crop, and export. LR does those things just fine.

I'm already twitchy about not having some of the fancy bits of C1, but I'm going to try this for a while.

LATER: Of course an hour after posting this, C1 offered me 30% off to re-subscribe, so I did. Then I canceled my Adobe subscription. So, the opposite of the above is what happened.